Saturday, June 30, 2007

Sympathy for the Martyr

Constant negativity is going to kill this planet.

'A laundry list of problems,
doesn't make you interesting
and never getting help doesn't make you brave.
Not listening to reason doesn't mean that you have faith.
Your just cutting off your nose to spite your face;

So tie the noose
and raise the cross.
The martyrs arrived.
A desperate plea for sympathy:
it's all you need.'

--Straylight Run

The End.

--Jack's complaining self

Monday, June 25, 2007

We'll live as slaves to love

I wanted to respond to the question I asked yesterday, but I wanted to do it in a new blog so I could expand more on it.

The other night, I got into a fight with someone I care about deeply, more so than probably anyone else in the world.. The whole situation was caused by somethings that I decided needed to be said - so, it could probably go without saying that if I woke up and it was yesterday that I would change what happened. I would make sure to not say what I did. Then while I was wondering what it would change, I realized that the answer was simple; nothing, in fact it may have made things better that I opened my mouth.

Okay, some people may be like - what the hell is this guy talking about? Well there is a simple thing that this made me realize; there are certain things in life that are inevitable. Now, I don't mean the obvious ones - like taxes and death and all that jazz, I mean that there are certain things, even if they are tiny and seemingly obsolete, that are meant to happen - it is just a matter of when they are going to happen (hence the word, inevitable). Now, what I mean when I say that is this - I said something that caused a fight yesterday - a big fight - between myself and someone that means a whole lot to me - now, I could have just ignored what I was thinking and went on with the night we were having, but instead something clicked inside me and told me I had to open my mouth. At first, I really regretted what I had said, and I still somewhat do, but a big part of me realized that even if I had kept my mouth shut at that moment, this same fight would have happened at another time. The fact that it happened when it did, could have potentially saved what the two of us have.

Overall, what I'm trying to say is that it proves yet again that to everything there is reason and to everything there is a meaning. This fight happening when it did got everything out in the open and cleared up the issues - as painful as it was, it could have been more painful if I had waited to say anything.

Some things are just inevitable and we have to accept that. It is inevitable that we will die, and pay taxes, sure, but it is also inevitable that we will all fight - and I don't just mean with other people - but fighting happens every day within ourselves. Life is a constant struggle both with other people and with ourselves, those that know how to say the right words at the right time during each of those fights will be the ones who pull through.

What is another inevitability that we all face?

--Jack's thought process

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The damage will reveal the cost

There's been major progress made in the past week or so in getting some of the initial music written. This has been a project long in the talks and I'm glad I can finally begin to see something materialize, even if it is as minor as it has been so far. The journey to create this adventure/album/experiment is going to be neither easy or short. However, with that said, it is good to know that the person embarking on this figurative journey with me is filled with just as much (if not more) passion about it as I am.
Like I said, this is not going to be an easy idea to make happen, but I am positive that after all the long nights, broken strings, deleted riffs, attempts at quitting, arguments and alcoholic beverages consumed we will make it through this with something powerful and something passionate.
Look for more sneak peaks at the music, specifically the opening track, to be recorded and released soon. Until then...

If you woke up and it was yesterday, what would you change and how do you think it would affect your future?

Oh an P.s. if you haven't listened to the new Circa Survive CD...You're going to hell.

--Jack's contemplative eyes

Thursday, June 21, 2007

When good Wubbles go bad.

Last night was a bit of a crazy one. Without affording many details I will have to adit it's hard to really pay any of our shit without a B string. Which the special someone decided to break. he really is on a roll isn't he? On the plus side I do have a bit more recording thats been done. The quality is more or less shit but it gets the general idea across. Here's a riff we captured with a cell phone. Kind of a bit of an introspective one if you ask me.

Introspective Riff #1

It's 2:15pm on a wednesday and I'm in the middle of no where borrowing a laptop to get this up so you all better appreciate it. Little bitches.

It's pizza time now so I'll catch everyonewhen im hangin' with some G's on the west siiieede.

What are the best toppings for a pizza?

--Jack's Hungering Inards

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The First of Many

As promised in my previous post here is a link to what we were playing with over the past few days.

The Beginning

As of right now you'll have to click the link to hear it. Soon enough I'll figure out some embedding so you can just listen to the things we put out right here.

It's just before 6 a.m. now so I am really not up for writing to much more here.

Where's Waldo?

--Jack's Junior Bacon Cheeseburger

Monday, June 18, 2007

And so it begins....

Our adventure into time, space, music and emotion has begun. It all started as an idea jokingly but has turned into something much more. Something special to us. The road is going to be a long one but with the excitement that we are feeling already I highly doubt it to be a boring one.

Yesterday was our first real collaboration in regards to some of the material. It was nice to get some things out there and ideas flowing. The general direction of what we are trying to accomplish was laid down along with some other general concepts. One of my main focuses for this project is the manipulation of time and see how it can and hopefully will effect the human element.

I guess I should lay out a few things for everyone to kind of catch with what has happened so far.

  1. This is a collaboration between two friends at the moment on a concept album.
  2. Our major intentions are to play with the idea of time and its manipulation and see how that can effect the decisions of people based on knowledge of the past or future. "What the hell does he actually mean by that?" you might be asking yourself. I'll delve deeper into some of these ideas in later posts but essentially our "Main Character" will be traveling backwards and forwards in time.
  3. We plan to have this album rock out with its figurative cock out.
What we would like to do is start getting some feed back from these posts and possibly use some of the discussions as jumping points into when writing lyrics and shaping the general story line. So with that in mind each post is going to have some sort of question some serious, some silly, some off the wall, and some just plain ass fucking weird.

Some things to look forward to in the near future is some riffs we've been working on and toying with. We did have on recorded as of yesterday however someone a little special decided it would be better to just go ahead and delete it rather then save it. >.> We'll once that gets re-recorded it will be up here for you all to listen to and comment on.

I'd like to leave you today with a question you'll find on the site that more then likely got you here in the first place. You'll be able to find our answers below in the comments alongside yours.

So here we go. The first of many questions that we'll be asking you. This is the one that kind of started everything for us so it seems appropriate to have it start here as well.

What would you do if you woke up and time was going the opposite direction?

--Jack's Inner Starving Artist.