The other night, I got into a fight with someone I care about deeply, more so than probably anyone else in the world.. The whole situation was caused by somethings that I decided needed to be said - so, it could probably go without saying that if I woke up and it was yesterday that I would change what happened. I would make sure to not say what I did. Then while I was wondering what it would change, I realized that the answer was simple; nothing, in fact it may have made things better that I opened my mouth.
Okay, some people may be like - what the hell is this guy talking about? Well there is a simple thing that this made me realize; there are certain things in life that are inevitable. Now, I don't mean the obvious ones - like taxes and death and all that jazz, I mean that there are certain things, even if they are tiny and seemingly obsolete, that are meant to happen - it is just a matter of when they are going to happen (hence the word, inevitable). Now, what I mean when I say that is this - I said something that caused a fight yesterday - a big fight - between myself and someone that means a whole lot to me - now, I could have just ignored what I was thinking and went on with the night we were having, but instead something clicked inside me and told me I had to open my mouth. At first, I really regretted what I had said, and I still somewhat do, but a big part of me realized that even if I had kept my mouth shut at that moment, this same fight would have happened at another time. The fact that it happened when it did, could have potentially saved what the two of us have.
Overall, what I'm trying to say is that it proves yet again that to everything there is reason and to everything there is a meaning. This fight happening when it did got everything out in the open and cleared up the issues - as painful as it was, it could have been more painful if I had waited to say anything.
Some things are just inevitable and we have to accept that. It is inevitable that we will die, and pay taxes, sure, but it is also inevitable that we will all fight - and I don't just mean with other people - but fighting happens every day within ourselves. Life is a constant struggle both with other people and with ourselves, those that know how to say the right words at the right time during each of those fights will be the ones who pull through.
What is another inevitability that we all face?
--Jack's thought process
Well what it sounds like you are describing here is what is referred to in physics as the sum of all paths. In a simple explanation it states that through all possibilities to get from point A to point B there becomes a path that is more likely then the others. That fight you had as you said was bound to happen and with that said there were a few ways for it to come up. However due to your personality it was much more likely for you to bring it up. What I'm curious about is this. There are many paths for you to get from A to B but do those paths have a result on a later unknown at the moment we'll call C. Common sense says yes that even though the fight was inevitable the way you handled it will effect the future. But to what extent. How predetermined was point C after the fight.
/--\ C
\--/ C
As far as an inevitability we all must face in our life time I would have to say the loss of something that was unexpected.
Well that just made me poop in your pants now didn't it.
“I have learned now that while those who speak about one’s miseries usually hurt, those who keep silence hurt more.”
C.S. Lewis
An inevitability we all face... well the first one that came to mind was failure. Everyone fails eventually at something, no one is perfection.
Failure is a part of everyone. Whether it's a small failure, or a large one. We all do it eventually. We can not succeed at everything we try.
Also hardships. Without hardships there is nothing in our life to get over. Therfore, nothing to live for. In life, we are constantly trying to better ourselves, move past we all must face some sort of hardship in our life.
I don't know if I sound unintelligent with my responses, they are just the first things I thought of when I read the question.
have a nice night/morning/whenever you read this.
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