Saturday, June 30, 2007

Sympathy for the Martyr

Constant negativity is going to kill this planet.

'A laundry list of problems,
doesn't make you interesting
and never getting help doesn't make you brave.
Not listening to reason doesn't mean that you have faith.
Your just cutting off your nose to spite your face;

So tie the noose
and raise the cross.
The martyrs arrived.
A desperate plea for sympathy:
it's all you need.'

--Straylight Run

The End.

--Jack's complaining self


roxanne said...

I was listening to this song today, weird.

Xenocide said...

I used to see myself as someone like that. Surrounding themselves in drama and problems to make my life seem interesting.

Not only was it too much work but it made me feel like shit 95% of the time. I've taken on the policy to not feed the drama llama. If you do the only thing it ever wants is more.

Fuck you Drama Llama. Get off my lawn.

Anonymous said...

I never really though about the lyrics to this song. But now that I did, I can say I use to be extremely guilty of this. Always finding something wrong with someone or myself to make life more interesting. It was a waste of my time and it didn't make anything better. It just drowned the people I talked to about these "problems" in drama that was completely unnecessary.

In response to "Fuck you Drama Llama. Get off my lawn.", the only thing you can do to keep it away is take away what it's feeding off of.