It's been a few days since I've had a chance to really update what the hells going on here but rest assured that things are going on behind the scenes.
As you can see above we have a concept logo up. This is still in a design phase and not the final product. I have a few ideas of where I would like to go with it and I have some some of my peoples giving me a hand. I may have drawn the image but I'm not a graphic designer so I have a lot to learn. If any of you want to fool with it and submit ideas to that would be stupendous. If you click on the link you will get the original as opposed to the one with text.
Another new addition to our lineup of all things Jacks is a nice RSS feed to subscribe to on the right there. You'll be able to easily see when new posts are added. If you've never used RSS before it's rather simple.(Pun Intended)
Site Updates
That pretty much covers everything as far as the site goes. In the near future I'm going to be reworking some of the layout and color choices to be a bit more fitting as well as not your standard run of the mill blogger template. We'll see how that turns out. I apologize in advance for any really annoying color combinations. Once again, not really a graphic designer here.
MERCH MERCH MERCH MERCH MERCH!!! It's on its Way Bitches.
I'm looking into getting some buttons and business cards made to spread the word of all things Jack. If you are interested in giving us a hand let me know and I'll hook you up with some stuff to pass out to friends/family/random fucking strangers. 'Cause you know I love getting free shit from people I've never met before. Along these lines I'm currently looking for anyone interested in giving me a hand in designing a few T's. If you know anything better than let me know.
I've been scouring my lists of friends, friends friends, and friends friends friends for people who might be interested in giving us a hand in the creative process as well as giving us a hand writing the music. On the plus side I met up with an old friend this week who is a very inspired musician and he is a very welcome addition to our project. I'm in the process of getting him set up on here so he can contribute and collaborate as well as rant about how boss Wendy's is.(Ohh just so you know I'm bringing the word Boss back. Three cheers for the days of Polly Shore movies from the 80's. Hey Buuuuuud- ddy) Ok ok back to the topic here. If you happen to know anyone who would be interested in seeing what all this is about have them get a hold of me and I'll find some time to have a personal chat with them. As of right now were really looking for someone to work with synth/keyboards, vocals, and honestly anything else that might bring something more to the project. If you can play one mean set of spoons I'll see what I can work out.
It's been a while since I've asked any questions so time to get back into the swing of things here.
Have you ever been directly or indirectly responsible for something that has hurt someone else deeply?
--Jack's overly zealous wish for a brighter tomorrow
you know i am here to help with anything you might need. have a typo hehe just wanted to let you know. and ill do my best to find people to help
And what would that be?
Heh Kind of lazy today.
i think it was that you used the wrong "then" in the part about merchandise it should have been "than" i believe.
luv yas,
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